Danielle McCarthy

What your sleeping position says about you

You might not pay much attention to the way you sleep, but according to yoga experts, your sleeping position says a lot about your personality. Match the way in which you usually sleep to the number below and find out what it reveals about you.

1. Position 1 – If you sleep on your side with your knees bent, you’re calm and reliable. You’re not easily offended nor afraid of what the future holds, and you’re always a source of brightness and happiness to those around you. It takes a lot to rattle you, as you can almost always adjust to anything life throws at you.

2. Position 2 – Do you sleep in the foetal position? This means you feel a need for protection, understanding and sympathy and are constantly trying separate yourself from all the problems in the world. You’re creative and talented, and a great way to channel your energy is through painting, dancing or writing

3. Position 3 – Stomach sleepers who lay flat on their bed are natural leaders. You’re active, organised, responsible and committed, and you always take charge in both your personal and work life. You prefer to plan things in advance and for your plans to run smoothly, but you’re not a fan of surprises.

4. Position 4 – If you regularly sleep in a relaxed position on your back, you’re an active, strong, loving person who usually finds themselves at the centre of attention. You’re friendly and work best in an equally friendly work environment. You’re also logical, rational, and find it difficult to tell anything but the truth.

5. Position 5 – People who sleep on their backs, resembling a soldier standing to attention, are always striving towards self-improvement. You know your purpose in life and will stop at nothing to ensure you achieve it. As such, you can be quite strict, pedantic and demanding of yourself.

6. Position 6 – If you sleep in a relaxed position that isn’t quite on your side nor on your tummy, you can tend to be quite unpredictable. You like an adventure, but your mood can change at the drop of a hat, making it difficult for you to make a choice and stick to it. Despite this, in your work and personal life, you are generally stable, quiet and thoughtful.

Did the description of your sleeping position match your personality? Share your results with us in the comments below.

about, health, sleeping, mind, position, says, you