Georgia Dixon

7 symptoms of anxiety we ignore

You might know the usual forms of anxiety – feelings of worry, tension and uneasiness. But anxiety can also manifest itself in other ways. These physical symptoms are warning signs that many people ignore. By treating the root of the issue you can turn things around before it turns into an anxiety disorder.

  1. Aches and pains are very common, with muscular pain or stomach aches being widely reported. The body responds to anxiety as it does to any stressor, giving you signs that you need to make changes.
  2. Tension headaches are another textbook sign of anxiety – and often you will notice that when you are worried your hands naturally go to your head to “protect” it.
  3. Exhaustion can occur as the body uses a lot of energy trying to process the anxiety. It can cause restless sleep, and make it hard to get out of bed in the morning too.
  4. Digestion issues are widely reported too for chronic sufferers, especially irritable bowel syndrome. This can cause symptoms such as cramps, constipation and stomach pains.
  5. Food cravings are usually related to the lack of quality sleep. Most likely the cravings will be for sugary or fatty foods (think donuts, chocolate, ice cream). The sugar high is followed by a low, which often leads to more cravings and further digestive issues.
  6. Moodiness is another relative of the sleeplessness, and sufferers can go from high to low several times a day. It can also be a result of a hormone imbalance.
  7. Fuzziness sounds like a vague symptom but sufferers explain that it is like living in a fog. It is hard to concentrate, and relatively simple tasks can feel completely overwhelming.

Always speak with your doctor if you feel that you are experiencing some of these symptoms, as early treatment can lead to faster recovery.

Do you or have you ever suffered from anxiety? We would love to hear your tips for coping in the comments below.

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health, mental health, anxiety, symptoms, worry