Georgia Dixon

8 simple tricks to feel happier, fast

When you’re feeling low (or just a bit cranky), it’s nice to know you can do something as simple as this to feel better…

  1. Breathing in for a count of five, and then exhaling for a count of five, is a great way to reduce stress and increase feelings of content.
  2. Stand up and shake your arms and legs out, to get the blood flowing.
  3. Make a habit of thinking of three things that you are grateful for at that particular moment. Nice friends, strong coffee, a dog to pat. It doesn’t have to be huge. You could even go the other way and be thankful for the things that you don’t have, such as sickness or money troubles.
  4. Keep a photo of a loved one or a favourite travel destination on the fridge, or wherever you will notice it regularly.
  5. Work on your posture by sitting or standing upright without slouching. It’s amazing how this can improve your mood.
  6. Write a note (or text, or email) to someone that you love, telling them how happy they make you.
  7. Fake it til you make it with a smile. Work from the outside by starting with a smile and this will often make you feel better. It also draws other people in to you.
  8. Give a compliment to someone and notice how it makes their day. Sending out positive vibes to the world often comes back to you in other ways.

How do you give yourself a quick dose of happiness? We would love to hear from you in the comments.

Related links:

Having a big cry can actually be good for you

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5 scientific ways to make your brain happy

tips, health, happiness, mind, happy