
How well can you see colour? Test your eyes with this quiz

How well can your eyes perceive different colours? This quiz will let you find out your abilities when it comes to identifying shades.

The interactive 10-question quiz, created by Lenstore, was tested on 2,000 people from around the world. Out of these quiz-takers, only 0.2 per cent scored full marks, while most people (64.9 per cent) got five to seven answers right.

Women were found to differentiate colours better than men with an average score of 57.7 per cent against men’s 53.8 per cent.

Take the quiz below to find out how you compare.

If you faltered at Question #7, worry not – it was the question people struggle with the most, with 70 per cent of quiz-takers getting it wrong.

How did you do in the test? Let us know in the comments.

colour, Test, quiz, Mind