Danielle McCarthy

10 tips for living your life without regrets

Andre Smith has studied creative writing at Griffith University. When he isn't writing or chasing his twin toddlers, he's exploring the Adelaide area on his enduro-motorcycle.

As you get older, living your life to the fullest and without regret should be of the utmost importance to you. For many seniors though, responsibilities and daily obligations making live their dream years as they'd hoped more challenging.

Keep reading to learn 10 tips that can help you live your golden years without regrets.

1. Evaluate your life

Self-reflection isn't something everybody enjoys, but from time to time, it's essential. That's especially true when you're getting older and want to make the most of your years.

Sit down and figure out what you're happy with and what you're not. You can't fix everything overnight, but some serious alone time can help put you on the right path.

2. Buy smart

As you age, real estate that you once dreamed of can be more of a burden than an asset. For aging individuals and the terminally ill, mortgage payments can even keep you from enjoying activities you once loved.

Having a home is obviously important, but one that won't put a huge amount of stress on you from a financial perspective is ideal. In many cases, a smaller, more practical home is a wise financial move for aging adults.

3. Consider downsizing

If you're already in a huge home with a whopping mortgage, getting out and going somewhere where you can enjoy daily life can help reduce stress. Less stress can result in a happier you.

You'll also have more time to spend doing the things you love like traveling and entertaining after downsizing.

4. Make lists

One main reason people don't do everything they wanted to do in life and end up with regrets is very simple. They just didn't get around to it.

Make lists of things you want to do and keep them handy. Cross things off as you go and you'll be left with a smile, not a handful of regrets.

5. Make action plans

A list of must-do's is a great start, but figuring out how to get things done so you can cross tasks off your list is also important. Within your to-do lists, or in another document, figure out how you'll accomplish your goals.

For example, you may need to downsize and reduce your mortgage to be able to save for that 30-day trip through Europe you've always imagined.

6. Make new friends

New relationships provide purpose and excitement in your life. Find activities you love and work on making new friends, even as you get older.

7. Place value on existing relationships

Friends, family and loved ones are all likely important to you. When you're getting older, spending as much time as you can with people you love should be a priority.

Make the first call and reconnect with people you've lost touch with as well. Otherwise you might regret it.

8. Avoid negativity

Making the most of existing relationships is important as you age. That's only true if those relationships are positive and healthy.

Put negative relationships in your rear view and don't look back if they can't be salvaged.

9. Forget your failures

Everybody makes mistakes, and if you've lived long enough to be called a senior, you've likely made your share. They don't have to hold you back any longer.

While you can learn from mistakes, past failures shouldn't hold you back. Actively seek release from mistakes so you can move on and be the person you want to be.

10. Live each day

It might sound like a tired cliché at this point, but living each day to the fullest is advice you should never discard. You might not be able to climb Mt. Everest, see the Eiffel Tower and spend time with your friends and family in an afternoon, but you can cross things off your list every single day.

Make a concerted effort to get the most out of every day.

living, tips, health, mind, regret, without