Georgia Dixon

How to deal with emotional burnout

If you’ve been lacking in energy and motivation, feeling numb, or have had trouble enjoying previously pleasing things in your life, you could be experiencing emotional burnout.

In years gone by, burnout was something experienced by social workers or police offers. But these days, people from all professions and walks of life seem to be affected by it.

It appears that modern life could be the cause, with social media and mass consumerism noted as just part of the puzzle.

Well-known Austrian psychologist Alfried Längle has presented his ideas for coping with it.

Most of us have felt burned out before, whether it was at the end of some personal trauma, working too hard, caring for a loved one, or living in a difficult relationship.

While we can cope with smaller periods of tension such as these, it’s when they are ongoing that further issues can arise. This is when the burnout turns from mild to chronic. Taking a holiday, getting some support, or changing jobs are all ways to cope.

In order to deal with (or ideally prevent) burnout, much research supports the idea that we need to live a life with meaning. If you value what you do, and feel as though you are helping others and getting recognition for it, the long hours seem to cause less friction. We need to determine what motivates and fulfills us, be it money, career progression, status, popularity and recognition.

Secondly it’s important to reduce your workload if you are experiencing burnout. Delegate some tasks, change unrealistic deadlines, or even take some time off if possible to relax and gain some perspective.

The third step is to ensure that the causes of the emotional burnout don’t have a chance to creep back in. This could mean changing jobs or even taking a step down to a less stressful role.

Have you ever experienced burnout? What strategies did you use to cope? We would love to hear your story in the comments.

Related links:

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life, happiness, mental health, emotions, burnout