
20 rebus puzzles that are almost impossible to solve

Test your smarts with these rebus puzzles
Rebus puzzles, also known as word picture puzzles or picture riddles, use images or words to convey a phrase or message, typically a common idiom or expression. To help you solve them, make sure to look at word placement, size, colour and quantity. Take your time and don’t give up. These can be pretty tricky.

To help you get your brain on the right track, take a look at the most frequently used idioms in the English language.

Rebus puzzle #1
We’ll start off with a simple rebus puzzle. Can you guess this one?

Answer: Green with envy.

Rebus puzzle #2
Can you solve this puzzle? Hint: Focus on the word here.

Answer: Split pea soup.

Try these 21 brain games guaranteed to boost your brain power.

Rebus puzzle #3
This is one of the rebus puzzles where you need to focus on the placement – and number – of numbers.

Answer: For once in my life.

Rebus puzzle #4
Tilt your head to solve this rebus puzzle.

Answer: What goes up must come down.

See how you fare with these 19 trivia questions only geniuses get right.

Rebus puzzle #5
How fast can you solve this tricky rebus puzzle? Make sure to take note of the placement of the words.

Answer: Overseas travel.

Wrack your brain with these mind-bending logic puzzles.

Rebus puzzle #6
You might think this rebus puzzle has something to do with wine, but think again.

Answer: Win with ease.

Rebus puzzle #7
Hint: Think of different types of house layouts.

Answer: Split level.

Here are 5 more puzzles sure to get you thinking.

Rebus puzzle #8
The answer isn’t “try to stand.” If that’s what you thought, keep guessing.

Answer: Try to understand.

This puzzle was dubbed the hardest ever by a university professor. Can you solve it?

Rebus puzzle #9
Clear your brain and think hard about this rebus puzzle. Can you solve it?

Answer: Summer (sum R).

Rebus puzzle #10
We’ll give you a hint to solve this rebus puzzle. What words start with “meta”?

Answer: Metaphor.

Rebus puzzle #11
Hmm, what do those numbers mean?

Answer: Safety in numbers.

Rebus puzzle #12
First, rearrange the letters to make a real word.

Answer: Trail mix.

Rebus puzzle #13
We’ll throw in one of the easier rebus puzzles to give your brain a rest. (The colour here matters.)

Answer: Greenhouse.

Rebus puzzle #14
Can you figure out why the word “cover” appears four times and the word “head” only appears once?

Answer: Head for cover.

Rebus puzzle #15
This one is tricky. What words do you see?

Answer: Go up in smoke.

Rebus puzzle #16
This rebus puzzle represents an idiom you might use when you’re happy.

Answer: Sitting on top of the world.

Rebus puzzle #17
Notice the shape of this rebus puzzle to help you solve it.

Answer: Street corner.

Rebus puzzle #18
Can you decode this one?

Answer: In between jobs.

Rebus puzzle #19
Rebus puzzles aren’t easy. If you’ve solved every one so far, that’s super impressive.

Answer: Up for grabs.

Rebus puzzle #20
How many of these rebus puzzles did you get right? Guess this last one and finish strong.

Answer: Forgive and forget.

Written by Morgan Cutolo. This article first appeared on Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.

puzzles, mind, solve, health, problems