Melody Teh

Mum’s trick for unblocking baby’s nose divides internet

A mum has shared her simple way for unblocking her baby’s nose – but it has divided the internet with some labelled it “genius” while others are calling the method “dangerous”.

In the video, an unnamed woman holds her toddler daughter’s head still as she shoots a syringe of saline up her right nostril.

As the mum counts to three, a stream of thick, green mucus pours out of the baby’s other nostril.

The child stays still as another three syringe-loads are squirted into her nose.

She clearly feels much better as the toddler smiles and laughs.

The video, which was shared to Facebook, has clocked up over 18 million views.

But the reaction to the video has been divided to say the least, with some hailing it at a clever hack and others claiming it could actually kill a child.

One commented: “This is not a safe practice. It can lead to choking and aspiration which could result in a pneumonia. But what do I know. I’m only a children’s nurse.”

One woman said they had tried the trick and had a bad experience, commenting, “I tried this once and nearly drowned ... worst feeling ever!!!”

Another parent wrote she tried it with her adult son and it worked.

She wrote: “Yes it’s safe! I had to do this to my adult son. He could not breathe nor sleep for days. Doctor kept giving him Meds that didn’t work.

“I told him he would hate me for what I was about to do. On the 3rd squirt this disgusting chunk of yuck came out and he could breathe again.

“He took a hot shower and his nose was running clear. He put Vick’s under his nose and slept for two days.”

Using salt water to clear blocked noses is not new, and is referred to as a “saline lavage or irrigation” in the medical world. It’s possible to buy saline drops at the chemist.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
