Danielle McCarthy

Easy lifestyle habits that prevent bowel cancer

Marissa Sandler is the CEO and co-founder of Careseekers. Previously a social justice lawyer and researcher for over 15 years, Marissa is passionate about helping people live with dignity and finding innovative solutions to problems.

Eighty Australians die from bowel cancer every week. The month of June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and today is Bowel Cancer Australia’s Red Apple Day, where Australians are encouraged to support the vital work of Bowel Cancer Australia through the purchase of a Bowel Cancer Awareness Ribbon and apple themed fundraising activities.

The risk of bowel cancer rises sharply and progressively from the age of 50, so if you are aged 50 years and over 'doing nothing is not an option' when it comes to bowel cancer.

On a positive note bowel cancer is one of the most treatable types of cancer if found early. 

As we all know prevention is better than cure. It is estimated that changes to diet and physical activity could reduce the incidence of bowel cancer by up to 75 per cent.

We have created seven easy-to-remember tips for everyday of the week to help you incorporate changes into your diet that can make all the difference.

Mondays – milk and moving

Studies show that milk (9 per cent decreased risk per 200g/d), and calcium (22 per cent decreased risk for groups with the highest calcium intakes – dietary and supplemental sources) probably protect against bowel cancer.

Make Monday the day when you have that glass of Milk. If you are lactose intolerant or don’t like drinking milk you can have 2½ serves a day of milk alternative with added calcium (100mgs per 100mls). 

Start every Monday by doing a 30-minute walk. At least 30 minutes of physical activity every day is necessary to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.  If you are time poor make sure you can account for 10,000 steps. Some tips to do this – park the car two blocks further than you normally would, take the stairs, walk instead of drive to your local café or shops.

Tuesdays – treadmill and turmeric powder

There is a low incidence of bowel cancer in India and some research has linked this to the natural antioxidant curcumin which is the yellow pigment in the spice turmeric, used in curry powder. We cannot make sweeping generalisations about one food source and one culture, nevertheless turmeric is gaining popularity as a superfood. Add it to your serving of greens, in an omelette, over roasted vegetables or even have it as a tea.

And don’t forget to get walking on a treadmill on Tuesday. Treadmill walking is a great controlled option for extreme weather days (too hot, too cold, too rainy) or if you prefer the safety of walking in a busy gym or at home if you are lucky enough to own a treadmill. Put it in front of the television or tune into a podcast or audio book – 30 minutes will feel like 5!

Wednesday – walking and wholemeal grains

Yes, we are walking again on a Wednesday. You should be walking an extra 30 minutes at quite a high intensity everyday so if it isn’t part of your weekly routine start off twice a week and before you know it you won’t be able to finish the day without a brisk walk. It doesn’t only help in the prevention of bowel cancer but it will improve your mood.

You should always be choosing wholemeal breads over white bread. Ryes, sourdough and soy and linseed are excellent options. If you prefer white bread make Wednesday the day you swap over to wholemeal and hopefully soon it you will become your preferred bread.

Thursday – throw out processed meats and reduce your tipple

Although there are lots of things you should add to your diet there are also some elements which should be thrown away. Thursday can be the day where you throw away processed meats from your diet, cold cuts, sausages, salamis, canned meats. They are not nutritionally beneficial to your diet. If throwing away is too drastic, start by reducing the amount you eat. 

Limit consumption of alcohol to no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women, with two alcohol free days a week. 

Studies show a 10 per cent increased risk per 10g ethanol/day for bowel cancer.

Friday – fruits (especially those with edible skin) and fitness

You should be eating 2 serves of fruit every day and fruit with edible skin are filled with even more fibre. In winter get your hands on apples and pears and in summer you have even more choice; plums, peaches, nectarines, kiwi fruit (yes you can eat the skin of a kiwi fruit!)

Here are some ideas for fitness on a Friday – yoga, Pilates, cycling, bushwalking, paddle boarding, sailing, golf, bowls, squash, or if you are in the mood- a dance class!

Saturday – swimming and sweet potatoes

Get your 30 minutes of exercise in on a Saturday by swimming. Swimming is a year-round sport. There are so many indoor pools, or if it is summer head to a nearby beach and get some activity in the water. Water aerobics is also a great option and lots of indoor pools have classes on a Saturday Morning.

The high fibre food for today is sweet potatoes. Roast and bake them and serve them with sweet chilli sauce for a delicious snack that you can eat on the run. Don’t forget to leave the skin on for even more fibre.

Sunday – stroll and sweet tooth

Sunday can be the day you congratulate yourself for all your hard work in the week towards improving your lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

Take a long stroll by yourself or with loved ones and reward yourself with something sweet. Sweet treats like cakes and biscuits are ok in moderation but if you really want to make sure it is nutritionally positive why don’t you try the following as a sweet treat?

Good luck. It is never too late to start making changes.

health, lifestyle, habits, easy, cancer, caring, prevent, bowel