
5 body hacks to perk you right up

1. Check your posture

While gazing at the floor from a standing position, you should be able to see the tops of your shoes without craning your neck. Slouching doesn’t just make you look tired – it makes you feel tired, too, because it places excess strain on your neck, back and hips; plus, when your joints aren’t properly aligned, your whole body has to work harder than it should. Additionally, standing tall will improve the flow of oxygen to your brain, which increases your alertness and attentiveness.

2. Expose yourself to light

Environmental cues play a huge role in the body’s energy cycles, and regular exposure to natural light has been shown to maintain higher energy levels in people suffering from fatigue. Open the curtains or step outside periodically and soak up some natural sunlight.

3. Use good scents

This isn’t about dousing yourself with your favourite perfume. It’s about harnessing the power of aromatherapy to lift your spirits when you need it. Take a whiff of peppermint, rosemary or jasmine when you feel droopy. Research shows these scents increase alertness and attentiveness.

4. Surround yourself with energising colours

Focusing your eyes on a vibrant shade of red, orange or yellow has an energy-boosting effect on the body, partly because these hues represent heat and radiant energy (think fire or sun).

5. Use your soundtracks

Studies have found that listening to soothing music helps you get a good night’s sleep, while upbeat tunes with over 120 beats per minute will rev your energy.

Written by Dr Holly Phillips. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s out subscription offer.


body hacks, caring, advice, body, health, wellbeing