Danielle McCarthy

Famous last words by 15 icons

There are certain things in life you only get to do once, and uttering your last words (as morbid as it may sound) is definitely one of them.

For most people on their death bed, we’re guessing their last words aren’t the highest on their list of priorities – after wall, spending time with their nearest and dearest is the most important thing – but for some, it’s the ultimate opportunity to solidify their legacy with a phrase that will live on for eternity.

From Groucho Marx’s last quip to Nostradamus’ eerily accurate final prediction, we take a look at 15 famous final utterances from some of history’s biggest names.

Flip through the gallery above to see them all and tell us in the comments below, what would you like your final words to be, if you could choose?

words, caring, icons, famous, last, 15