Danielle McCarthy

Easy yoga moves to look after your lower back

Tracy Adshead is a yoga teacher specialising in yoga for seniors. She is passionate about bringing healing and healthy ageing to the community.

Every day, we are shortening our muscles with many hours of sitting in chairs and seats of all kinds – sitting for coffee, breakfast, driving, lunch, attending meetings, watching television the list goes on.  Not all of these seats are offering good support for the spine.

The lower back is like a fuse box, a central point where the strain of these many hours of sitting gets stored up eventually causing discomfort. The more we sit, the shorter the muscles become, the more we experience aches and pains.

Put your sitting to good use with this practice for general maintenance of the lower back and all the surrounding structures – hamstrings, hips, upper back etc. Like the old song ‘Dem Bones’ says, all the bones in your body are connected, take a few minutes once a week to use this practice to build strength and flexibility, look after the flow of spinal fluid and reduce aches.

Watch the above for some simple yoga moves to help your lower back.

Follow Tracy on Facebook here.

help, yoga, back, Teacher, Tracy Adshead, lower, instructor