Danielle McCarthy

Why being married cuts your risk of skin cancer

A new study has found that married couples are less likely to die of skin cancer because they spot warning signs earlier than singles.

The study, which observed 50,000 American skin cancer patients, found that 45.7 per cent of those who were married, had stage 1 tumours – which have a 98 per cent survival rate.

The chance of catching skin cancer early dropped 32 per cent for singles, 38 per cent for divorcees and 70 per cent for widowers.

The researchers from the University of Pennsylvania said they were stunned by the striking difference in diagnoses.

The researchers believe these findings should help dermatologists adjust their advice to patients based on their relationship status, suggesting screening at an earlier age for single patients and encouraging home-screen training for those in relationships.

Victims of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, are expected to increase by seven per cent by 2035.

For those diagnosed with stage 1 disease, the five-year survival is reportedly 98 per cent. The five-year survival drops to 62 per cent for those diagnosed with stage 3 disease

The study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, aimed to investigate how lifestyle and relationships could impact patients’ early detection chances.

“Spouses likely facilitate early detection of melanomas by assisting in identification of pigmented lesions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed,” said corresponding author Dr Cimarron Sharon, a dermatologist at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

“They may also provide support and encouragement to see a physician for evaluation.

“Thus, married patients are likely to receive a better prognosis because of earlier surgical management.”

The study also found that married patients were more likely than single, divorced or widowed patients to have a sentinel lymph node biopsy.

SLNB is linked to survival as the sentinel lymph node is closest to a tumour and is the first place it would spread.

Dr Sharon said this could be “associated with the spouse's role in supporting the patient and engaging in further discussion”. A partner also reduces the difficulty in travelling to and from a hospital and finding a carer post-surgery.

This study is the largest of its kind to find the influence of marriage on the detection of melanoma.

Dr Sharon said, “These findings support increased consideration of spousal training for partner skin examination and perhaps more frequent screening for unmarried patients.

“Marital status should be considered when counselling patients for melanoma procedures and when recommending screening and follow-up to optimize patient care.”

Image credit: Shutterstock

skin, study, cancer, Risk, cuts, why, married