Georgia Dixon

Shocking photo shows what decades of sun damage does to your skin

Ever gone on a road trip only to arrive at your destination with one side of your body sunburnt or tanned? Imagine experiencing that almost every day for 28 years. That was what life was like for a 69-year-old truckie from America whose photograph has gone viral for showing the unbelievable effects of long-term sun damage.

Presented in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2012, the recently resurfaced snap proves just how much the sun can age your skin. On the left side of his face, the man looks his age. On the right, he could pass for 90.

Researchers who examined the case said the man had a “history of gradual, asymptomatic thickening and wrinkling of the skin on the left side [right side in the photo] of his face.”

They explain that the truck driver’s skin was so damaged because harmful UVA rays had passed through the door’s window and penetrated his epidermis and dermis.

If ever you needed an excuse to slip, slop, slap, let this be it!

health, ageing, skin, sun, sun damage