Claudia Byatt

Naturally combat the onset of diabetes

Pre-diabetes is the period before diabetes is officially diagnosed. Progressing from pre-diabetes to diabetes is not imminent. There are plenty of ways you can get on top of it to reduce the risk of diabetes. 

1. Cut out sugar and refined carbohydrates 

Eating foods high in refined carbs and sugar increases blood sugar and insulin levels, which could lead to diabetes over time. Examples of these foods are white bread, potatoes and various breakfast cereals. Limit sugar and choose complex carbs like veggies, oatmeal and whole grains.

2. Quit smoking

If you’re a current smoker, cut it out! Smoking can contribute to insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 diabetes. Quitting smoking has been shown to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over time.

3. Portion control

Avoid large portions as they can contribute to the increase of insulin and blood sugar levels. Eating too much at one time can lead to higher blood sugar and insulin levels in pre-diabetics.

4. Exercise

Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. You don’t have to strain yourself, you can take a walk, go swimming or dance around the house, but make sure you stay on top of it and practise these activities at least five days a week. 

5. Drink more water

Drinking water over other beverages may help control blood sugar and insulin levels. Drinking primarily water will stop you from over consuming beverages that are high in sugar and preservatives, in turn reducing the risk of diabetes.

6. Eat more fibre

Getting an adequate amount of fibre is beneficial for gut health and weight management. Having a good source of fibre at each meal can help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. 

Image credit: Shutterstock

Diabetes, Pre-diabetic, Diet, Exercise