Ben Squires

Man's gruesome discovery will put you off sushi for life

A California man has paid the price for eating sushi every day, making a horrifying discovery that just might be enough to put you off the raw fish delicacy for the indefinite future.

According to Dr Kenny Bhan, who shared the story on the This Won’t Hurt a Bit podcast the man when to the emergency room complaining of bloody diarrhoea.

While Dr Bhan was originally sceptical when the man said he wanted to be treated for tapeworm, it wasn’t long until he had the disgusting proof.

“I take out a toilet paper roll, and wrapped around it of course is what looks like this giant, long tapeworm,” Dr Bahn said on the podcast.

After it was unravelled the tapeworm ended up being five and a half feet long.

Dr Bahn treated the patient with medication and advised the patient to cut down on the raw fish in his diet, as this was likely the cause of the monster parasite.

What are your thoughts? Is this enough to turn you off sushi?

health, body, sick, Sushi, Tapeworm