Georgia Dixon

5 yummy snacks with 150 calories or under – that’s almost guilt-free

If you’re looking to watch your calorie intake, but can’t resist the allure of a mid-afternoon or post-dinner snack, here are some you can consume without feeling guilt from that calorie hangover – each of these has less than 150 calories per serving. Don’t go overboard, though, remember to be on the lookout for sugar content as well as calories.

Cobs Popcorn

This popcorn is a revelation. It’s kind of sweet, and a little bit salty, and 100 per cent delicious. It’s perfect for when you go to the movies and your stomach growls when you smell the warm popcorn of your neighbour. You won’t envy them for long once you’ve had a few pieces of this.

Calorie count: 97


One cup of grapes is a delicious snack that will give you energy to get on with your day.

Calorie count - 110

Mars Bar Ice Creams

Yep, you definitely read that correctly. A Mars Ice Cream bar has less calories than a regular Mars Bar, but extra deliciousness because there’s ice cream involved. Just right for when you feel like a sweet treat after dinner.

Calorie count: 145

Corn Thins

These addictive snacks are crunchy and pack a surprising flavour punch. Eat them on their own, or top them with something healthy for a filling snack.

Calorie count: 91

Vegetable Chips

Forget those artificially-flavoured corn chips – go for these naturally colourful, delightfully crunch veggie chips. With a mix of sweet potato, carrot, beetroot and parsnip in the bag, it’s a snack you won’t be sick of in a hurry.

Calorie Count: 120

health, food, wellbeing, weightloss, Snacks