Basmah Qazi

Duchess Kate’s diet secret revealed – and how you can try it too

Any woman who has brought a child into this world will tell you that bouncing back to your pre-pregnancy body is no easy feat, but that’s exactly what the Duchess of Cambridge managed to do only six months after the birth of her son, Prince Louis.

And while it may seem like an unrealistic achievement for us mere mortals, Kate’s dietician Louise Parker thinks otherwise. She’s the woman behind Kate’s post-baby bod after her first two children Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

And the reason the Duchess seems to keep going back to the dietician is because her program shows quick results – but don’t ever make the mistake of calling her food and fitness regime a “diet”.

Speaking to OK Magazine!, Louise said: “It’s about taking good care of yourself – living well, exercise is important, but there’s no need for long, high-intensity workouts.”

The dietician's regime consists of seven steps and is what the royal credits for her fit figure.

“It’s not easy for people in the public eye,” said Louise. “Yes, they have the resources, the best support network nutritionists, personal trainers and teams like us behind them, but ultimately they have still got to do the work, turn that switch on and get it done.”

And not only is Kate busy running after her three young children, but she also understands the importance of exercising and staying active.

One move that she does every day is the plank.

“There are three elements, the basic plank, the side plank and the prone sky dive, all of which are positions Kate can hold for 45 seconds or longer and repeat at least 10 times each,” says a royal insider.

Louise explained: “We want out clients to enjoy their bodies and to have a life too – not to be obsessing about what they eat or how they look. It’s about freedom from the obsession around dieting and body image.”

And regardless of your current fitness level, Louise claims that her clients see visible results in just seven days.

“If you’ve got a high BMI, it may be that you drop down a dress size,” said the dietician. “But if you’re already pretty lean, it’s just going to tighten everything up. The good news is that you can make a difference in that time.”

And it isn’t just physical activity that’s important, Louise also says your diet plays a big part in how your body looks and feels. Along with exercise routines, Louise also provides meal plans that consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner that would be sure to fill your stomach up.

“We want you feeling amazing and loving your new lifestyle,” said Louise.

Try out the seven-day plan for yourself:

According to Louise, her seven-day program differs from a crash diet as it aims to fix eating and fitness habits by tweaking lifestyle choices as each day comes. 

“Once your new habits are set, your body will adapt, and you won’t need to ‘diet’ again,” she said.

We all know that eating overly sugary or processed foods is not doing our body any favours, so if you keep telling yourself “I’ll stop tomorrow” then change your mindset and stop now. That means fast food, alcohol and confectionery. 

Louise also advises to ditch the sauces as they contain hidden sugars. 

“Flip the label and save yourself any misconceptions,” says Louise.

This does not mean cutting salt from your diet completely as that could be potentially dangerous, but Louise advises to reduce your intake by half. 

“If I’m getting someone ready for awards season or an event, two to three days before, we reduce the salt,” she said. “It’s incredible the difference it makes.”

If you find yourself stuck in the same food rut, use this as an opportunity to try something new and expand your palate.

“Focus on heaps of vegetables in a rainbow of colours and at least a couple of portions of fruit a day,” recommends Louise. 

“If your mindset is on the good stuff, you’re less likely to focus on what you can’t have.”

Our bodies are made up of roughly 70 per cent of water so it’s important to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water will also keep you fuller for longer, meaning you’ll avoid the problem of overeating. But keep in mind that it’s important to drink water but don’t go overboard.

“It can be dangerous and lead to hyponatremia,” she said.

Louise believes that a healthy diet consists of three proper meals with two snacks in between, with each of those intakes consisting of some form of protein.

For example, a good snack is an apple with 12 almonds or two small oatcakes with a tablespoon of peanut butter.

In a perfect world, we would be exercising for at least an hour every day, so if your schedule allows for that amount of activity then Louise recommends squats, planks, side lunges and her personal favourite – high intensity interval training (HIIT).

“We see that clients who sleep well – seven to eight hours a night – will achieve great results,” said Louise. But if you’re someone who finds it hard to hit the hay, then try removing yourself from any screens and technology by 9pm, and then taking a lavender essential oil bath with magnesium salts.

Will you be trying out Duchess Kate’s seven-day program? Let us know in the comments below.

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, royals, health