Danielle McCarthy

A humorous poem about “man flu”

Barbara Binland is the pen name of a senior, Julie Grenness, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. She is a poet, writer, and part-time English and Maths tutor, with over 40 years of experience. Her many books are available on Amazon and Kindle.

Colds for Older Men

Wifey flings open the bedroom door,

Not gazing kindly, a picture she draws,

Wife blows her nose, her cheeks a’rose,

Her husband lies there, full of moans,

Her husband begs,

Wifey takes a breath,

“Yes, dear, I know you have a man-cold,

But, dear, I too, have a man-cold,

But women are not allowed to groan,

or nag, says men, you are alone,

I, too, have a cold,

But, well, this washing’s getting old,

I’m cooking tea, and minding the grandkids,

No, I shan’t make soup like your mother did,

Yes, dear, the undertakers are near,

Here’s your last will for your man-cold,

Your whinging, is like, well, old!

I have to iron your shirts now,

Yes, dear, I know I am a fat old cow,

But, dear, I have your balls in my purse,

I do hope our man-colds don’t get any worse!

flu, Poem, man, Julie G, Barbara Binland, humorous