Georgia Dixon

5 fun ways to keep active in spring

In the cooler months, it’s easy to fall into a winter slump when it comes to diet and exercise. Just as take-out foods and hearty meals become more and more attractive, even a walk to the mailbox seems like a frosty hike.

Now that the spring sun is shining, it’s time to burst out of hibernation and back into your healthy ways. Here are five fun and simple lifestyle changes to adopt to bring a little fitness in with the brightness.

1. Buy a bike

This may seem like a big commitment, but do you know how good cycling is for your health? Not only is it a great form of exercise, cycling has also been linked to decreasing the risk of osteoporosis and even Alzheimer’s disease. You can pick a second hand one up for as little as $200, and will save oodles of money in petrol and public transport costs.

2. Sign up for a marathon

This may initially seem scarier than it sounds, but marathons aren’t just for iron men and women. See what marathons are on in your area that have the distance and terrain that will work for you, and don’t be afraid to jog or power walk the whole way.

3. Take up an outdoor hobby

If you’re favourite past-time includes watching Downton Abbey re-runs and baking, you are not going to have enough of a reason to enjoy the spring weather. To ensure the season doesn’t pass you by, take up an outdoor hobby that will get you in the sun at least once a week. Some ideas to get you started; swimming, jogging, lawn bowls, cycling, horse-riding or tennis.

4. Grow a herb garden

There’s nothing to coax you outside like a garden to tend to, and by even spending just half an hour digging in your garden, you can burn 250 calories. Growing your own herbs – free from pesticides – is also better and cheaper for you. Some herbs that do well in spring include chives, coriander, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, sage and thyme.

5. Go for a walk every morning

While the thought of putting on your gym clothes and pounding the pavement first thing in the morning may be off-putting for some, incorporating a morning walk into your day is easier than it sounds. Walk to the corner shop to get the paper or a coffee, or simply do a lap around the block after you’ve popped the kettle on. A light walk can do a world of difference when it comes to breaking a sedentary lifestyle.

What activity are you most looking forward to taking up now that the days are longer? Let us know in the comments below.

Related links:

The benefits of a cold start to the day

How group cycling can combat loneliness

Exercises to help get out of bed

exercise, fitness, health, lifestyle, spring