Georgia Dixon
Money & Banking

10 sneaky tricks supermarkets use to make seniors spend more

Nothing you see in a supermarket is there purely by chance. From the placement of the grapes to the direction the Corn Flakes are facing, every element of the store has been scrutinised to the most minute degree with one end game in mind – getting shoppers to part with as much of their hard-earned cash as humanely possible.

So, what option does the senior shopper have, asides from going off-grid entirely or wearing blinders every time you walk into the major supermarkets? Well, while there’s no way we’re going to be able to avoid these tactics entirely, as long as we can understand what the supermarket is trying to achieve, we can make sure we don’t fall for these sneaky tricks.

To see 10 of the sneakiest tricks supermarkets use to make seniors spend more money when they’re doing their weekly shop, scroll through the gallery above.

Have you noticed any of these tricks? Where do you shop?

tricks, money, shopping, supermarkets, sneaky