Money & Banking

Elderly woman’s $10 million surprise for her neighbours

A senior German woman who passed away in late 2019 has shocked her community after it was revealed she bequeathed her entire $10 million stock and property portfolio to them.

Renate Wedel died aged 81 in the Weiperfelden district of Waldsolms in Hesse, where she had lived since 1975 with her stockbroker husband, Alfred, who died in 2014 at 88.

Following her death, the district was informed Wedel had left it and its six villages the couple’s bank balance, shares and valuables.

Wedel’s sister was the original heir but she had sadly already passed.

“I thought at first, this is simply not possible, I thought a comma had slipped, something is not quite right,” local mayor Bernd Heine said while speaking to local media outlet Hessenschau.

The community plans to use the $10 million for community infrastructure and facilities.

Heine said the community is considering spending it on a kindergarten, cycling paths and buildings.

An outdoor pool and public transport is also being considered.

“The community of Waldsolms posthumously thanks the Wedel couple for this important inheritance,” the community said.

“We will deal with it very responsibly, develop our community for the good of all and keep an honourable memory of both.”

neighbours, community, Germany, death, elderly