Basmah Qazi
Money & Banking

Bunnings' awkward sign fail

The staff at a Bunnings Warehouse in Queensland have learnt a lesson in the importance of good handwriting after an innocent product sign went viral online.

The handwritten sign, which appeared to say “f**k it” was for a $3.99 LED light switch and quickly gained traction after a shopper posted it to their social media account.

The sign was meant to say “Flick It” but the style of writing, and the positioning of the letters, appeared to produce a more offensive word at first glance instead.

Soon after the photo of the unfortunate Bunnings sign was uploaded, users around the country gave their input in hilarious fashion.

One commenter under the name Chris Fenwick asked: “Do they also sell f*** it sausages at Bunnings?”

Bunnings, funny, sign, fail