Alex O'Brien
Money & Banking

10 simple tips for fuel efficient driving

When you consider how much a trip to the bowser generally costs, it only makes sense that you’d want to be doing everything possible to ensure you don’t have to return more frequently than you have to. The good news is there’s actually quite a lot you can do.

We’ve put together 10 simple tips for fuel efficient driving. These measures will get more mileage out of your vehicle, so you get the most out of each tank.

1. Drive smoothly as possible

Try to drive smoothly, rather than rushing to the speed limit and braking forcefully (except in an emergency). Erratic braking and acceleration guzzles petrol.

2. Switch off the engine

An idling car uses up more petrol than you think, so if you’re stuck in a gridlock and not moving anywhere don’t be afraid to switch your engine off for a moment.

3. Be mindful of your speed

The rate you’re moving makes a big difference in terms of fuel consumption, and a car travelling at 110kph uses much more fuel than one driving at 90kph.

4. Make sure tyres are inflated

The inflation of your tyres is essential for optimum performance, so keep your tyres inflated and make sure you check the pressure of them regularly. 

5. Turn your air conditioner off

If you don’t need your air conditioner don’t use it. In some vehicles, operating your air conditioner at speeds greater than 80kph can use 10 per cent extra fuel. 

6. Remove unnecessary accessories

Items like roof racks and spoilers add significantly to air resistance, which you’ll pay for over time at the bowser. So if you don’t need these items, lose them!

7. Undertake regular maintenance

The key to good engine performance is regular maintenance and if your car is well-tuned you can be confident your vehicle is using fuel as efficiently as possible.

8. Lighten the load

Are lighter car is a more efficient car, so if you’ve got personal items like golf clubs, fitness equipment in the boot remove them before setting out. 

9. Lazy gear selection

If you’re driving a manual, avoid sitting in a low gear once revs are sufficient to change up and avoid sitting in a high gear when engine is straining to maintain revs as this practice can have you burning through quite a lot of fuel over time.

10. Stay alert in an automatic

If you’re driving an automatic vehicle, be conscious of your use of the accelerator. Ease off slightly when the engine is ready to change up and you can save fuel.

How do you handle petrol prices? Can you see yourself using any of these tips? Or are there any that you use yourself that we should include.

Share your thoughts in the comments.

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money, car, Driving, Petrol, Fuel