Alex O'Brien

10 ways to prepare your home for a disaster

Part of what can make a natural disaster so destructive is when it catches a community unaware. For this reason, as a homeowner, it’s important to take the necessary precautions that will ensure your property is protected against such a threat.

Here are 10 ways to prepare your home for a disaster. By following these tips you can be sure your home will handle anything Mother Nature has to throw at it.

1. Be aware of the hazards in your area

Do you live near bush that’s susceptible to fire? Or close to a waterline prone to flooding? If your home is in a high risk area it’s crucial that you’re aware.  

2. Review your insurance polices

Once you’ve checked the disasters your home is prone to, it’s important to review your home and contents insurance policy and confirm you have adequate cover.

3. Take an inventory of your possessions

This task may sound like a tedious way to spend a weekend, but it’s certainly a lot easier to do this when you have an opportunity to do so, rather than trying to remember after a disaster. This will also greatly assist you when making claims.

4. Prepare a disaster plan

Make sure you have somewhere safe to go where you and your family can gather. It’s a good idea to have a couple of options and contingency plans in place.

5. Have a communications plan

Your family might not all be together when disaster strikes, so make sure you think ahead and figure out a way to communicate with your loved ones. 

6. Put an evacuation plan in place

There may not be much time to move in the event of a disaster, so figure out a meeting point and make sure you plan how to evacuate your home quickly.

7. Inspect you home

Eliminate any potential hazards that could wreak havoc in an emergency. Anything that can move, fall, break or start a fire should be considered a hazard.  

8. Try to connect with your community

It’s a good idea to know members of your community, as neighbours can be of great assistance in a natural disaster where every little bit of help counts.

9. Regularly check safety devices

If your smoke alarm is out of battery is it’s really nothing more than an unsightly wall decoration. Make sure you regularly check these and your fire extinguishers.

10. Check with local authorities

Local emergency services will be able to provide you with information about your community’s emergency plans, evacuation routes, and locations of emergency shelter.

Do you feel as though your property is prepared for a natural disaster? Are there any measures you would add to this list?

Let us know in the comments.

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disaster, nature, weather, insurance, home