Alex O'Brien

10 items to pack for an extended hospital stay

When you’re staring down the barrel of a long stay at hospital, figuring out which items you’re going to take with you is probably the least of your concerns.

But by packing the right items you can make your stay in hospital considerably more comfortable and even take some of the stress out of the experience.

We’re going to take a look at 10 things you have to pack for an extended hospital stay. Take these items and you’ll be home, fit and healthy in no time.  

1. Documents, paperwork and ID – This includes items like your driver’s license, insurance cards, lists of medication and telephone numbers of family and friends. Ideally these items will be stored in a closable folder to ensure that they aren’t lost.

2. Small amount of money – If you’re in a position where you can move around, having a small amount of money handy can help you buy newspapers, coffee and use the vending machines. By the same token, it’s not a good idea to bring credit cards or large amounts of cash as theft can occur.

3. Comfortable clothing – Have a comfortable pair of pyjamas or lounging clothes, as well as some loose-fitting underwear, socks and a cardigan-style sweater or bed jacket. It’s also an idea to bring your own slippers, or regular shoes if you’re allowed to walk outside.

4. Writing paper and a pen – This is crucial to help you make notes and record any questions you might want to ask your doctor. It can also be a useful to have paper and a pen if you’re undergoing a procedure that will limit your ability to communicate.

5. Toiletries – Bringing your own toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant and comb or brush provides a simple touch of home that makes your stay more comfortable.  

6. Books and magazines – Anyone who’s been in hospital would agree that there’s a lot of downtime, and turning the pages of your favourite books or the new edition of your favourite magazine can be a great way to while away the hours.

7. Portable music player and earphones – Load an iPod or MP3 player with your favourite music or a series of podcasts and you’ll be able to zone out in your hospital room and get away from some of the irritating hospital noises that can sometimes drive you up the wall.

8. Simple craft project – Bring your knitting or even something like an adult colouring book, to take your mind off things and help you zone out from the stress.

9. Comfort pack – A comfort pack containing a reading light, eye mask and your own pillow from home is the best way to deal with of poor hospital lighting, constant distractions when you’re trying to sleep and uncomfortable hospital beds.

10. Photos and small personal items – These simple items can make your hospital space seem much more homely and at times a little less confronting.

Do you agree with the inclusions on our list? Would you suggest there are other things patients should take in preparation for a long hospital stay?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

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health, hospital, emergency, illness, injury