“Get in the basement!”: Weatherman calls son during live report

Doug Kammerer, NBC Washington chief meteorologist, was reporting live on a tornado when he realised its projected movement would see the storm pass directly over his house.

Kammerer interrupted his live segment to call his kids and warn them about the storm, instructing them to wait in the basement.

“I’m tracking this so closely now. This is going to go right over my house. So, very close to my house,” Kammerer said as he was showing that the Chevy Chase area of Maryland was under a tornado warning.

Calling his son, he instructed him to grab his sibling and wait it out in the basement.

“You there, buddy?” he said. “All right, hey, man, I want you to get down in the basement. We got a tornado warning.”

“Get in the bedroom down there and just kind of wait for 10, 15 minutes,” he said before he hung up and resumed his broadcast.

Addressing the audience after the call, Kammerer said: “I’ve gotta warn my kids because I know what they’re doing right now.”

“They’re probably online gaming and they’re not seeing this!”

Image: NBC

Weather, TV, entertainment, family, torando