Danielle McCarthy

What colour is this chest of drawers?

A picture of a chest of drawers has gone viral online after people across the world are disagreeing over whether it was painted blue and grey, or white and pink.

A photograph of the drawers was uploaded to Reddit by user agamiegamer who asked users what colours they saw.

Viewers were divided over what the correct colour was.

What colour combination do you see?

The Reddit user who shared the picture later confirmed that the drawers were in fact grey and blue.

After hearing the answer, some people were unconvinced.

"Well it's definitely pink and white, but the lighting makes the white appear light blue but anybody with a brain can tell it's actually white." 

Some people suggested that the original photograph was edited using Photoshop to create the optical illusion.

This debate follows “The Dress” that caused a frenzy in 2015 after people argued over whether it was blue and black or white and gold.

The iconic dress, made by Roman Originals, was actually blue and black.

What colour combination did you see? Let us know in the comments below. 

colour, drawers, illusion, optical, what, chest