Danielle McCarthy

The crucial difference between “Save” and “Save As”

Lisa Du is director of ReadyTechGo, a service that helps people gain the confidence and skills to embrace modern technology. 

Many clients tell us that they religiously save their working documents, but these documents seem to just disappear into a black hole in their computer. 

We see this a lot, where documents are not saved to a certain location, and it takes some detective work to find out where that document lives! 

The answer to your woes lies in using "Save As"! 

What’s the difference between clicking 'Save' vs 'Save As'?

When you choose the Save option, you are updating the last saved version of your work, so that it matches the current version that you see on your screen. 

When you choose the Save As option, you will receive a prompt to:

Here's a good habit to get into:

Technology, save, difference, cruical, save as