Melody Teh

How to restrict access to your Facebook page

Do well-meaning friends and family post personal information you just don’t want to share on your Facebook timeline? While it’s always a good idea to speak to the person in question, if it’s not possible there are two ways Facebook helps you tackle this.

1. Stop people from posting to your Facebook timeline

If you would like to stop all of your Facebook friends from posting on your timeline, click on the menu drop-down arrow on the top-right of your Facebook page. Click “Settings” and choose “Timeline and Tagging” on the left. Under “Who can post on your timeline?” you can change the option from “Friends” to “Only me”. Now nobody can post on your Facebook timeline. If this option is a bit extreme for you, under “Who can add things to my timeline?” you can choose the option to review posts that friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline. This means that you will have to manually approve posts you're tagged in before they appear on your Facebook.

2.Change who can view your timeline

If you’d still like friends and family posting on your Facebook wall, another option is to limit who can view the posts on your Facebook page. Under the same “Timeline and Tagging” menu, go to “Who can see things on my timeline?” The default option is Facebook friends, but you can choose a “Custom” option and include or exclude specific Facebook friends from seeing your posts on your Facebook page.

Related links:

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Technology, lifestyle, social media, facebook, computers