Georgia Dixon

How your iPhone could diagnose cancer

When you think about the possibility of your phone being able to save your life, it’s probably in the capacity of using it in a dire situation to call for help. But one US doctor might just change the way you see your little smartphone forever.

Dr John Martin, a vascular surgeon from Denver, Colorado, was able to use his smartphone to diagnose a mass in his throat as cancer.

Dr Martin, who is the chief medical officer of Butterfly Network, the company responsible for creating an ultrasound device that can be connected to an iPhone, was able to use the technology to scan the mass.

The results showed he had metastatic cancer. This was later confirmed by a technician, and Dr Martin underwent successful surgery to remove the cancer.

Priced at less than US$2,000, the smartphone-enabled device is just a fraction of the cost of even a low-end ultrasound system.

What do you think about an iPhone diagnosing cancer? Tell us in the comments below. 

Technology, health, smartphone, iphone, cancer