
How to block app invites on Facebook

Got that one annoying Facebook friend who keeps inviting you to play Candy Crush? And no matter how many times you tell them you want nothing to do with their quest for candy, the invites keeps coming in? Here’s what you can do to put a stop to it (and keep the friendship intact):

Blocking an app or game

When you block an app or game, it won't be able to access any of your Facebook information or send you any requests. If you no longer want an app or game to contact you, please remove it.

  1. Click the downward arrow icon on the top right of your Facebook page. Select Settings.
  2. Click Blocking, located in the left column.
  3. In the Block apps section, type the name of the app or game you want to block.

If you ever want to unblock the app or game, click “Unblock” next to the app name.

Blocking a specific friend’s invitations

If you have a Facebook friend that invites you to so many different games and apps that you’ve often wondered if they spend their entire life on Facebook, you have the option to block all invites from a particular Facebook friend. This automatically ignores all future invites from all games and apps sent by the person.

  1. Click the downward arrow icon on the top right of your Facebook page. Select Settings.
  2. Click Blocking, located in the left column.
  3. In the Block app invites section, type the name of the friend you want to block invites from.

Image: Shutterstock

Technology, tips, internet, facebook