
Heads up! City bans pedestrians from texting while crossing the street

A new state law in New York would slap stiff fines on pedestrians who text and email on their phones while crossing the street.

“There will be a green light and people will still be texting in the middle of the street,” cabbie Carlos Rodriguez complained to The Post while waiting near New York’s Penn Station.

“I stop so I don’t hit the person, then I get a $US110 ($NZD 166) ticket for stopping at a green light. I’m sick of it!”

The new law is looking to impose fines of $US25 ($NZD 37) to $US50 ($NZD 75) on first-time offenders, while death-wish texters who stride right back into the pedestrian crossing and repeat the offence within 18 months would be hit with fines as high as $US250 ($NZD 378).

However, backlash is already in the works as pedestrians believe that texting in traffic is their right.

“What a dumb proposal,” scoffed Chris Werner, 36, who barely looked up from his phone as he crossed West 32nd Street.

“I’m still going to text while crossing.”

Alejandro Cerda, 29, agreed as he texted his way across Seventh Avenue at 27th Street.

“Can we vote these politicians out of office since they’re brain dead?” said the Lower East Side resident.

texting while walking, fines, pedestrians, new york