
How to create an interest list on Facebook

If you’re a frequent user of Facebook, interest lists are a great way to organise and sort your news feed. You can create a list to follow all your family Facebook friends to ensure you never miss an update from them or make a list to follow your particular interests. For example, you could create a recipe list to follow chefs and recipe pages you like. Here’s how to create an interest list on Facebook:

To create your own interest list:

  1. Go to your “Interest page”, which is located on your bookmarks bar on the left of your Facebook main page or go to www.facebook.com/bookmarks/interests
  2. Click the “Add Interests” button.
  3. Click “Create List”.
  4. Now you can search for the people or pages you want to add to your list. You can do both or just people or pages. Type in your search term at the box at the top of the page.
  5. After you've selected the people and pages you want to include on your interest list, click next.
  6. Choose a name for your list.
  7. Select a privacy setting and click done.

Your lists will now appear in the “Interests” section of your bookmarks bar, which is located on the left hand side of your Facebook page. Click on the list’s name to see all the recent post and activity from the pages and people on the list.

Technology, tips, facebook, Interest lists