Alex O'Brien

Apps to help forgetful people to remember things

With the increasingly busy lives we lead you don’t need to have an issue with your memory to have trouble remembering everything on your to-do list – or you to-not-do list. Fortunately technology has come to the rescue with a bundle of apps that can help you keep track of all of life’s tasks.

  1. Evernote – Hugely popular for recipe storage, Evernote allows you to record pretty much anything that comes to mind. To-do lists, notes, photos and articles can all be stored on this handy app. The best bit? The app is synced across your devices meaning you have access to your saved items on whatever platform you’re using. Available for download on the App Store and Google Play.
  2. LastPass – If you’ve ever had trouble remembering all your passwords and pin codes then LastPass might be your new favourite app. This free password managing app stores all your passwords and keeps them secure with strong encryption and a single master password. Available for download on the App Store and Google Play.
  3. Reminders – If you’ve never checked out the reminders app on your iOS or MacOS device then now is the time. This nifty app allows you to create itemised to-do lists and along with timed reminders to help you remember when to do things. You can even set the function so that it reminds you of your list when you arrive at a specific location. For example, if you need bread and eggs you can set a reminder and a location of your usual supermarket so that when you arrive, you’ll be reminded of what you need to buy. Available on every iOS device.
  4. To Do Reminder – This clever app allows you to make your to-do lists verbally so you don’t even need to type! Available for download on the App Store and Google Play.
  5. Mint Bills – Keep track of all your bills with this app that tracks the dates for when each is due and sends you a reminder. You can even securely sync your accounts and payments. Available for download on the App Store and Google Play.

Do you have any apps you rely on? Share your tips with us in the comments below.

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Technology, apps, smartphone, memory, forgetful