Danielle McCarthy

Why you should be listening to podcasts

Whether you know what they are or not, chances are you’ve heard of podcasts. But what exactly are they and why should you care? Let’s find out.

What are they?

Think back to when you were a kid. Before computers, video games and even TV, the main source of entertainment was a good old-fashioned radio play, right? Well, think of podcasts as the 21st century equivalent.

Podcasts are free audio programs that can be downloaded and listened to on demand. You can listen to them in the car, at the gym, at home, on a plane… even in bed to lull you to sleep.

There are literally thousands of podcasts out there (anyone can make one), all covering different topics, so it’s hard to find a program you won’t love. Comedy, drama, politics, true crime… you name it, it probably exists.

How do I listen to them?

You can listen to podcasts online through your computer (with iTunes or a desktop program like gPodder, but the best and easiest way is through your smartphone.

If you’ve got an iPhone, the best app is Apple’s preloaded “Podcasts” app. Go ahead and see if you can find it on your home screen. It’s easy to use, free, and even has charts so you can see what programs are currently popular.

If you’ve got an Android phone, unfortunately it’s likely you won’t have one preloaded onto your phone. But never fear – there are plenty of free apps to choose from in the Google Play store. Give “Podcast Addict” a go.

What ones should I start with?

Most of your favourite radio shows will already probably be available as podcasts, which is great if you miss an episode. Otherwise, a good place to start is to browse the popular podcasts within whatever app you’re using. If you want to get started right away, though, here are some of the best around:

1. Serial – An investigative “whodunnit” true crime program that will leave you guessing till the very end – and beyond.

2. Revisionist History – Each week, journalist Malcolm Gladwell scours the history books for the overlooked events, people and ideas that could have changed the world.

3. Stuff You Should Know – Ever wondered how landfills work? Or what’s the deal with accents? Whatever weird question you’ve had, these guys have the answer.

4. No Such Thing as a Fish – Researchers for the hit show QI gather round each week to share the weirdest, funniest facts they’ve recently discovered.

5. S-Town – Like a Southern Gothic novel come to life, this non-fiction program begins as a crime story and quickly morphs into something else entirely.

6. Sleep with Me – A must-download for any insomnia sufferer, this podcast will put you to sleep with long, boring bedtime stories to distract your racing mind.

Are you a fan of podcasts? Share your recommendations with us in the comments below.

music, why, listen, podcasts