Sahar Mourad

The Movie You Will Never See

A movie that was filmed in 2015 has been declared a movie almost no one alive today will see because of its release date. It won’t be released for a century.

Titled 100 Years, with a tagline The Movie You Will Never See, will be released in a century on November 18, 2115.

The reason behind this is because it looks at how life on Earth could be in the next century.

Directed by Robert Rodriguez who gave us the popular Spy Kids and From Dusk Till Dawn, it will feature stars John Malkovich, Shuya Chang and Marko Zaror.

Malkovich explained that the film looks at the world beyond technology and is considered science fiction,

"An incredibly high tech, beyond the computerised version of the world, a post-Chernoybl, back to nature, semi-collapsed civilisation and then there was a retro-future which was how the future was imagined in science fiction of the 1940s or 50s," he told The Guardian Life.

Three trailers were released back in 2015 but don’t give anything away about the actual film.

It’s been said that the film has been locked away in a safe in Cognac, France, and won’t be opened until November 18, 2115. 

Image: YouTube

100 Years, The Movie You Will Never See, John Malkovich, movies, Robert Rodriguez