Danielle McCarthy

15 movie cast reunions that will make you nostalgic

Movie cast reunions delight fans as they see their favourite stars re-unite years later.

Here are 16 movie cast reunions that not only make us reminiscence on our favourite films but also put a smile on our faces as we see the characters we loved the most, come back together in real life.

1. Pretty Woman, 1990

2. Mary Poppins, 1964

3. When Harry Met Sally, 1989

4. Fatal Attraction, 1987

5. Back to the Future, 1985

6. 9 to 5, 1980

7. Cast away, 2000

8. Grease, 1978

9. My Best Friend’s Wedding, 1997

10. Sleepless in Seattle, 1993 and You’ve Got Mail, 1998

11. Panic Room, 2002

12. Pulp Fiction, 1994

13. Hocus Pocus, 1993

14. Goodfellas, 1990

15. Thelma and Louise, 1991

Which is your favourite movie cast reunion? Let us know in the comments below. 

movie, Celebrities, actors, Cast, reunions