Danielle McCarthy

These adorable book reviews by kids will make your day

Ahh, kids. They really do say the darndest things. So, what better people to review books than the children they were designed for? That’s exactly why 11-year-old Ruben Joseph (pen name “Mango Bubbles Boy”) launched his very own book review website, Mango Bubbles Books.

The site has around 50 kid reviewers and about 200 reviews, some written by children as young as five! To show you just how talented these tiny bookworms are, we’ve collected some snippets from our favourite reviews, and we think you’ll absolutely love them.

“I love this Roald Dahl book, because all Roald Dahl books are great! But in this one, I love that it is about chocolate! I love chocolate! The description of everything is awesome! The sweets, the chocolate, the factory, and the characters. I love the characters in most books, but this one really stands out, the crazy Wonka, the subtle Charlie, the stupid ticket finders!” – Mango Bubbles Boy, aged nine at the time, reviewing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

“I’d recommend this book to teenage girls who like romance and tense situations.” – Stripey-socks, aged 13 at the time, reviewing Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

“This book is about an island that has some incredible animals on it. 4 people must have a tour before the park opens to the public. But after a storm brings down the security program, dinosaurs are let loose…I like it because it is not too hard to read. There is lots of action and suspense. I recommend it for older kids and upwards.” – DJGJ, aged 12 at the time, reviewing Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

“I like this book because Wendy is special. It’s a magical journey because normally trees don’t grow biscuits. I like the pictures because they are colourful. I’ve been searching for a biscuit tree for ages but still not found one!” – Starlight, aged five at the time, reviewing Wendy and the Biscuit Tree by Lorna McCann and Holly Bushnell

“DO NOT READ THIS BOOK IF YOU HATE DESPAIR AND UNHAPPINESS AND DEATH AND FEAR.” – Banana Girl, aged 10 at the time, reviewing The Boy at the Top of the Mountain by John Boyne

We can’t think of a better – or cuter – way to get kids into reading! Tell us in the comments below, does your grandchild have a love for books?

Image: Heathcliff O’Malley / The Telegraph

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books, cute, kids, Children, reviews