Ben Squires

What's wrong with this painting

When Austrian artist Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller completed this painting called The Expected One, it probably didn’t think it would still be the subject of attention in 2017.

But there’s a tiny detail in the painting that’s captured the art world’s imagination.

The painting, currently on display at the Neue Pinakothek museum in Munich, has art lovers scratching their head at one detail – what the woman is holding in her hands.

Many people think the woman in the picture is holding a smartphone.

But retired Glasgow local government worker Peter Russell, who shared the snap on social media has laughed at suggestions Waldmüller is a time-traveller.

“What strikes me most is how much a change in technology has changed the interpretation of the painting, and in a way has leveraged its entire context,” he said in an interview with Motherboard.

“The big change is that in 1850 or 1860, every single viewer would have identified the item that the girl is absorbed in as a hymnal or prayer book.”

Did you notice the detail straight away?

smartphone, art, entertainment, time travel