Danielle McCarthy

Only 1 per cent of people can see the hunter in this picture

Only 1 per cent of people can solve an optical illusion that was posted to games site Playbuzz.

The image shows a herd of deer standing in a forest clearing who are alert to the presence of a hunter.

The caption reads, “Bambi was just minding his own business, hanging out and foraging with his crew in the Enchanted Forest.”

“As they came to a clearing in the forest they suddenly froze dead in their tracks like a deer in the headlights.”

“Is this the end of Bambi? He has been spotted by his assassin. Now what?

Can you spot the hunter before he kills Bambi?

Hint: Look at the bushes.

The hunter is concealed just to the right of the tree in the centre of the image.

If you look closely, his head is visible amongst the leaves.

If you couldn’t spot him, don’t worry. 99 per cent of people are in the same boat as you. 

Image credit: PlayBuzz

picture, illusion, find, optical, hunter