Danielle McCarthy

7 facts you didn’t know about Picasso

Pablo Picasso had a monumental impact on art. The Cubist movement co-founder was arguably the most famous artist of the 20th century.

1. His full name

Pablo Picasso’s full name actually has 23 words in it. He was baptised Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso.

2. He nearly died at birth

When Picasso was born, he was such a weak baby that the midwife thought he was a stillborn so she left him on a table so she could attend to his mother. Picasso’s uncle, who was a doctor, saved his life after blowing smoke into his face prompting Picasso to cry.

3. His first drawing

When Picasso was nine-years-old he completed his first painting Le picador.

His first major painting as an “academic” is First Communion.

3. His first job

Picasso’s first job was in Paris with art dealer Pere Menach. Picasso was payed 150 francs per month.

4. He was a suspect when the Mona Lisa was stolen

In 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre. The police brought in Picasso’s friend Guillaume Apollinaire for questioning. Apollinaire highlighted Picasso as a suspect and so he was also called in to be interviewed. Both were later released.

5. Signing his work

Picasso started signing his work by the beginning of 1901. He only signed his last name.

6. He was a poet

Between 1935 and 1959, Picasso wrote over 300 poems. The poems were mostly untitled except for when he would irregularly include a date and location of where it was written.

7. His last words

It is believed the artist’s last words were, “Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can’t drink anymore.”

Facts, birthday, Pablo Picasso, know, didn't