Danielle McCarthy

5 affordable craft ideas to try at home

Craft ideas allow you to have a creative outlet and also bond with the people you are doing the activity with. These ideas can be used with family or friends and will leave you with a fun-filled afternoon and a beautiful creation to show at the end of the day.

1. Candle painting

Candle painting is fascinating for children as the wax of the candle creates a “secret message” to appear through watery paint. You can write or draw something special and then have it magically revealed once the paint is on the paper. This craft is relatively cheap only requiring a white candle, watercolour paint, paper and paintbrush.

2. Origami

Origami is not only a fun craft idea but it also requires a lot of focus and thought. There are so many origami shapes available to make online so within a group everyone can still have their sense of individualism while doing this craft. This craft will definitely have you cultivating your focus and levels of patience.

3. No-sew bunting

Bunting is a popular party decoration that will add to any room. It doesn’t require much time and effort but still leaves you with a beautiful decoration. For this craft activity, you will need material (bandanas and handkerchiefs are easy to use), hot glue and twine. Make sure you leave a foot of twine from either end of the bunting from hanging. Just cut out diamonds in your material and glue the twine to the top side and fold material over to cover the twine.

4. Flower crowns

Although you may think that flower crowns would be an expensive craft, instead of buying your flowers pick your blooms from your garden. You will need floral wire to tape the flowers to and then once you have your desired look, stick on your heard and wear it for all to admire.

5. Card-making

Card making is a classic craft activity where you can express your gratitude to someone they love. It now only allows you to be creative with your design but is also the perfect opportunity to express your thankfulness to someone in your life through a personalised card. This craft can be kept to a budget but it is a good idea to buy a few special decorations to make the cards look great.

What is your favourite craft activity? Let us know in the comments below.

home, craft, art, ideas, affordable