Danielle McCarthy

Artists uses inspirational quotes to create beautiful tiger artwork

Yorgo Hoebeke has created a stunning image of a tiger made from inspirational quotes.

The psychology student was procrastinating and felt compelled to start drawing with inspirational quotes.

The art piece took over 40 hours to make but the end result looks incredible.

The student wrote on YouTube, “Well, it was quite spontaneous. It was during the exams period at university. I'm studying psychology but I am a really big procrastinator. So I had this huge sheet of paper laying in my room for months and I decided it was about time to do something with it (and I wanted to find a productive way not to study).”

“It was a while I wanted to create a drawing with a tiger, and I also liked to collect quotes that are inspirational, or about productivity, art or any topic I liked. So I thought "Why not combine those two?" Tiger + quotes. And that's how the idea was born.”

“I started looking for great quotes on the internet and from books I liked. Then the long process of writing started. It took me easily 40 hours to finish it.” 

Artist, art, tiger, quotes, Inspirational